I'm going to start writing here, somewhat regularly to document parenting and life with my sweet Penny Jane. A friend of mine has been doing this regularly since her son was born and it has motivated me to try as well. I am really looking forward to being able to go back and read posts when she is older

Penny turns 16 months old tomorrow, holy crap! Where does time go? She had her 15 month well child check a few weeks ago...after almost 2 months of what seemed a never ending ear infection. Poor baby! She is all better now though. Her stats were: Weight: 24lbs.6oz (65%), head (65%) and length (95%) she is super tall for her age and almost catching up with little Molly Bakker who is 8 months older than Penny! She is now walking with ease and is quite a little monkey. She is very limber and tries to climb everything, she is also really good at going up and down the stairs on her own (on her bottom, or "boomper" as Ryan calls it). However, I have recently caught her trying to use the railings and walk up and down so we're going to have to be more careful with the stairs now! She goes to daycare 1 day every week where she enjoys playing with the other kids and going up down the play stairs there! This girl loves to climb!

Penelope seemed to slow down a bit in developing language while she was sick, the doctor explained this is common from ear infections since children have a hard time hearing others or themselves trying to speak when their ears are infected. Since she has been feeling better she has started talking and trying to say new words at such a quick pace. She now says: Momma, Dadda & Daddy, Doggy, Kitty Cat, Cheese, toes, belly button, knee, shoes, Ball, Up, MaaaMaaaa (which I think was her attempt at Grandma), wawa (anything to drink), Yuk, Uh-Oh. I'm sure there is more that I'm not thinking of right now. She is also learning body parts and her favorite song is "Head, Shoulders, knees and toes" as well as "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Patty Cake". She loves to make people smile and recently started dancing A LOT when she hears music. She will stop what she's doing, look at you with a big smile and then start bopping up & down. Penny also enjoys reading books, of which she has many, thanks to all the birthday books from family and friends. We read a few books every night before bed but sometimes throughout the day she will go to her books and grab one and back her self up to my lap & sit down, wanting me to read to her. Her favorite books right now are a disney ABC book (also one of her fav. songs I forgot about earlier), That's not my Pirate, "A is for Apple" slider book (thanks Darren & Abbie!), "I love you Stinky Face" (thank you Aunt Alison & cousin Madyson). We just finished reading her "The BFG", one of my favorite childhood books. We started it soon after moving and would read a little before bed every night. Penny's favorite toys right now are her new kitchen set & play food (Thanks aunt Amy & cousin Ella!) and getting into her drawer of cups and plates etc. in the kitchen (all plastic of course) as well as her shoes. She also loves trying to put on our shoes and trying to walk in them already! I try to keep the closet doors shut so she doesn't get them but I think she has a 6th sense for this and is always in there if it is ever left open. I also recently set up a low cupboard in our kitchen with all of her food and snacks, thanks for the suggestion Amanda! Now she regularly goes to her cupboard when she wants something to eat, grabs it & brings it to me. SO much easier than holding her in the pantry and trying to figure out what it is she is saying she wants :)
I'll try to upload some pictures of what we have been doing lately and update with another post soon!